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Showing posts from January, 2018

My Eyes!

This past Sunday, I got out of my bed, slid myself between my chair and my desk, picked up the Gamecube controller I keep next to my laptop, and played video games for about 8 hours. Looking back, I was surprised to realize that this actually wasn't something I'd done before; I considered myself quite the avid gamer in high school (I've since scaled back for time and productivity reasons), but the only time I can remember playing video games anywhere near this much was way back in 7th grade, when my brother first introduced me to his Nintendo DS. And at that point in my life, video games were a rare treat, imbued with a magical wonder they've since lost. So, suffice it to say, I expected to be almost as bored at the end of this as I was after 10 hours of homework. In an attempt to stave off the boredom, I chose one of my personal favorites: Donkey Kong Country Returns. It's a 2D platformer, similar to Super Mario Bros, originally for the Wii; I played it on ...

10 Hours of Homework; or, 5 Hours of Learning

I suppose I should start by explaining what this blog even is. I like to think of myself as a relatively productive person. Despite this, I recently noticed that, with amazing consistency, I spent my Sundays lazing around in my dorm room, doing absolutely nothing of substance. This blog is my little experiment into changing that. Every Sunday of this semester, I am going to do one thing, and only one thing, for the entire day. Other than reasonable breaks for meals and hygiene, I will spend every free moment of my day (totaling about 10 hours on a typical Sunday) devoted to that one thing. I’ll start the semester with activities that one might realistically do for an entire day, like doing homework or watching a TV show, and explore stranger and stranger possibilities as the semester continues. My goal is to document the effects that these activities have on my mental, and in some cases physical, state, providing for you content that is both humorous and interesting. And hey,...