A screenshot of the Arduino IDE This post requires a bit of background before I jump in. I'm in a club here at Penn State called the Student Space Program Laboratory (SSPL for short). It's pretty much what it sounds like: a space program for students at Penn State. It's most heavily targeted at aerospace engineering students, but students from other disciplines like mechanical or electrical engineering are more than welcome. Now, I should make it clear that the club isn't launching Penn State students, or cars, or anything terribly exciting into space; it's mostly just small satellites. But, still, it's pretty darn cool to have anything in space. But I digress. I'm not actually working on anything this semester that will be shot into space, or even attached to a rocket of an appreciable size. Instead, I'm doing the Student Training Program, or STP. New members of the club are split into groups, and each group designs a payload for a small mod...